We have created a PVPickleball WhatsApp community, which can host multiple purpose-based groups. The idea with the groups is not to replace the general use of the groups.io / email list. If there are announcements for the whole PV Pickleball community, the group.io should be used.

We will start with the following two WhatsApp groups.

Competitive Open Play:
A group for players who like games that are competitive and intense. Generally these players' capabilities will trend to the advanced-intermediate and advanced. Remember, intense in pickleball includes the soft game. The purpose of this group is to handle any coordinating issues, often for same day play, usually in the afternoons. For example, seeing if there will be a critical mass of players for open play at a given time. This group is not for reservations but for coordination.

Cooperative Open Play:

A group for players who seek games that are relaxed and cooperative vs. intense, aggressive, and competitive. Generally these players' capabilities will trend to the novice and light intermediate of the spectrum. The purpose of this group is to handle any coordinating issues, often for same day play, often in the mornings. This group is not for reservations but for coordination.