• To indicate interest in playing in the next game on a court, place your paddle, or an article such as a paddle cover near the net. When the game is over, players will relinquish the court to those waiting according to:

    • 4+ paddles on the court: all 4 players leave court and next 4 come on

    • 3 paddles on the court: one player from winning team stays on

    • 2 paddles on the court: the winning team stays on

    • 1 paddle on the court: one player from losing team leaves

Note:  Any player may volunteer to leave a court

  • You are encouraged to play at or near your level most of the time

  • You may put your paddle on only 1 court at a time.

  • More advanced players are encouraged to play with beginners at least one game. 

  • If you arrive and a court needs one more player, you are strongly encouraged to join that court for at least one game regardless of level of play.

  • While waiting, do not stand in the area between the Pickleball courts or store gear there.  Hang gear on the fence or put it in the cart.

  • Players need to warm up before paddling onto a court. You can paddle onto a court but warm up on another court. If no warm up court is available, limit your warm-up time to 5 minutes or less.

  • Only players present may paddle onto a court. You may not save a space for someone who has not arrived to play.